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Asked by Dave Sharman | 4241 days ago

Hi Dave!!!
How are you doing??? I wanna know if you have tabs for Andromeda, it’s an awesome song!!! Please, if you have it, send it to me ;)

Greetings from Argentina!!!


Hi Fede,

I’m fine thanks, we do have tabs for Andromeda, which will be part of a tab series available exclusively to my mailing list. So you will receive an update on this soon, watch out for the newsletter. 

I will check out your music, thanks for the link to your Soundcloud. 



Asked by Dave Sharman | 4320 days ago

Hi Dave. Love the new website. If I can remember rightly. Did’nt you have another solo album called WAVE? I do not see that cd listed on your website.

Hi Ian,

There is indeed another album titled ‘Wave’. I did however decide a while ago to leave it unreleased as I always considered it more a collection of demos more so than a ‘real’ release. At some point in the future I do fully intend to re-record most of the songs from that album so that people can hear them the way they are meant to be heard. Regards, Dave