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Asked by Dave Sharman | 4181 days ago

Good to see you back with a new website. Like many I Ioved 1990, and the question from M Reynolds reminded me about an interview I read way back when. In addition to saying you turned away from the audience when playing certain bits live so they couldn’t see how you played it (might have been referring to Cloud 9), I also think I remember you saying that Pandora’s Box was messed up in the mixing process cause you weren’t involved, and didn’t end up sounding as it should. So, were there additional layers we didn’t hear? And if so, how about a YouTube version of how it should sound. Keep up the great work.

Asked by Johnny Pockets | 4181 days ago

Hey Dave man! Big fan.
I have to ask you, how do I set out to write a neo-classical song ?
Structure wise,scale wise ect.
Thanks man