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Andromeda’s tablature
Asked by Dave Sharman | 3858 days ago

HI Dave! I am great fan of your work! I’ve bought your album “The best of Dave Sharman” and I love the song ANDROMEDA! It’s amazing!
How can I get The tablature Of it?
Thanks and keep this incredible work!


Hi Walter,

Thanks for your message and the kind words. A tab is indeed available for Andromeda, which you will be able to own as soon as my new online Guitar School goes live in a few weeks. Details will be sent out to my mailing list. In case you are interested, please do register. Thanks for your support. Best wishes, Dave 


Tab questions
Asked by Dave Sharman | 3976 days ago

Hi Dave, I’ve been a huge fan of your playing and compositions since 1990 and you have inspired me to keep playing through both the good and the bad. Any chance I can sign up for tabs for Borrowed Time and Spellbinder? I’ve transcribed most of Spellbinder’s arpeggios and main lines until the solo but always wanted to know more from the man that wrote such awesome pieces of music. I joined the mailing list but not sure if it went through or not. Anyway I’m thankful to be able to tell you thanks for inspiring me and to keep on keeping on.

Hi Sean,


Thanks for your message and the kind words, glad to have been an inspiration. Also, well done for subscribing most of Spellbinder!


I will soon be launching my new online ‘Guitar School’ which will give you access to many tabs including Spellbinder & Borrowed Time (all subscribed by me), as well as one-2-one guitar lessons, online chats (ofcourse your questions will be most welcome), and exclusive offers.


As you did subscribe to my mailing list do look out for our newsletters. There will also be more information available soon on my Youtube account, all-coming soon!


Thanks once again for your support, if you ever record a video of your version of ‘Spellbinder’, please do feel free to send it to me (, and I’ll showcase it on my official YouTube channel.


Best wishes,

