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Andromeda Set Up
Asked by Dave Sharman | 3591 days ago

Hello Dave!

I happen to stumble upon you after buying some songs on iTunes.
So, I bought some of your albums and recently bought and downloaded you Tabs.
For Andromeda what peddles you are using (phaser, delay etc.), and what are the settings?

Hi Charles,

Hope you’re well and thank you for your message.

Regarding Andromeda, I’ll soon be launching my ‘Guitar School’ on youtube and Andromeda will be one of the first we have chosen for tutorial: you’ll also be able to get more through my official website via tabs, videos and one 2 one lessons but first make sure you join my mailing list to keep up to date.



Asked by Dave Sharman | 3844 days ago

Hej Dave!
I’m a huge fan of your guitar playing and I wish if you could send me the tabs of the song “Andromeda” of your second album (released over NOISE-Records) “Exit Within”, ‘coz for me, it’s one of the best ever written instrumental metal song. It’s an endless and timeless piece of genius music and melodies you wrote. My goal will be to play this song – of course with your permission – for myself, ‘coz it’s just a genius, perfect song for me. Thanx for your support and permission to do this. Keep in touch and stay metalized, Dave!

Hey Leopold,

Thank you for the kind words, there is indeed a tab available for Andromeda which you will be able to download once I officially launch my guitar school. In the mean time if you like, I would be more than happy to teach you how to play the song with a one 2 one online lesson, do you have Skype? As always, thanks for your support :)

Best wishes, Dave