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1990 tab
Asked by Dave Sharman | 3245 days ago

where n how can I download tabs to your album 1990 please

Hi Joe, 

Thanks for your question, you can find most of the tabs for the ’1990′ album in my store, in Tabworks, the 11 tabs package. Here is a link:





any plans to tour Australia?
Asked by Dave Sharman | 3437 days ago

Hi Dave ,I have been a fan of yours since your first Album, man I had that on a cassette tape back in the day and on a video cassette ,night of the guitars ,great to see you still going. Any plans to tour Australia? have you ever been here? do you have any merch available that you can autograph?

Hi Bradley,

Hope you’re well and thanks for the support.

I haven’t had the chance to visit Australia just yet but welcome the opportunity to do so in the future, however, at this present time there are no current plans. There will be a range of merchandise available through my official store on my website sometime in the new year (so keep an eye out) once that’s up & running should you need anything autographed I’ll be more than happy to sign it for you. 

