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Secret technique from years past
Asked by Dave Sharman | 4578 days ago

‘ello!!! Big Brit-transplant fan in USA. Way back you mentioned a playing technique you had that you were trying to keep secret. What was it? Do you use it on any of your songs cause I can’t figure out anything you play!!!! Been wondering for 22years!!!!


M. Reynolds


Hi Mike,


Thanks for your message, to be honest there were a couple of things I came up with over the years just to confuse people. I suppose one of the earliest was on the outro to ‘Cloud 9’ from the 1990 album, plus some interesting 2 finger tapping stuff (some of which you can check out on the ‘Frantic’ tab vid) & a picking technique I use on ‘Dragonfly’ from the Here ‘N’ Now album plus some other weird stuff I haven’t actually put down yet. I’ll let you in on most of this on the tabs section of the website over the next few months so stay tuned! (22 years is a long time to be wondering).







The new album
Asked by Dave Sharman | 4578 days ago

Hi Dave

Your last album, “Wave”, was considerably different in style from your previous releases. To give us a flavour of what is to come, is the new album similar in style to “Wave”, or does it signal a return to the harder rockin’ sound of “Exit Within”?



Hi Alan,


Hope you are well, the ‘Wave’ album was really more a collection of demos & ideas and was never ‘officially’ released or even meant to be heard for that matter! Somebody leaked a few pirate copies a while ago but I don’t consider it an ‘official’ album. ‘Evolution Machine’ on the other hand is a return to the guitar being very much the main focus (though I do also sing lead vocals on all the tracks) it’s a mix of quite a few different genres & styles and I play every instrument just like I did on ‘1990’.

