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Future plans?
Asked by Dave Sharman | 4493 days ago

Hi Dave, I’ve been a ‘dormant’ fan for a long time, years ago I tried to find more from and about you but never found much (not even CDs to buy with which I could replace my mediocre cassette tape copies :-) ). Today I remembered again, found your website, immediately bought a few albums from it and even found out your new album is about to be released!
Which brings me to my question: what are your plans for the future w.r.t. albums, touring and music in general?
Cheers, Remco

Hi Remco,

Thank you for your question and your time as a ‘dormant’ fan should soon be coming to an end.

With regards to making albums … well, I intend to record as often as I can as there is still a considerable backlog of material to be released & touring, of course, will be a big part of it.

With music in general … on my new album  ‘Evolution Machine’ I have tried to touch upon more of my musical horizons, having always wanted to write without limitation to any particular genre, it is exciting to be able to explore new territories. As I am now also responsible for playing every single instrument as well as all production & vocal duties, this album has indeed been an interesting challenge and a sign of things to come.



What is that guitar your using in the first record the red one.
Asked by Dave Sharman | 4557 days ago

Of course its a jackson but I was wondering what model it was sense I own a jackson custom shop erie des swirl soloist. I’ve played instruments form close to 13 years now and being only 18 i’ve never scene any instrument like yours.

Hi Cody,

The guitar used on ‘1990’ (the first album) is actually my black ‘n’ white Jackson Soloist Custom. The red ‘n’ white has been built to the same specifications

by the Jackson guitar company along with several others, the reason you have not seen any similar is because they all have been custom made for me as an official endorsee and to my own specifications, most of my guitars have a two octave fingerboard, locking tremolo system & DiMarzio humbucking pickups.

Regards, Dave