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Kahler Trem
Asked by Dave Sharman | 4378 days ago

Hi Dave. I noticed after doing some looking around that a few of your guitars seem to be equipped with the Kahler tremolo, something I’m considering getting installed on one or more of my guitars. I’m trying to get as much information from as many experienced users as possible, cos I hear from some people that it works really well, and from others that it’s terrible. In your experience, how well does it work in terms of tuning stability (particularly with string bends), vibrato range, and overall ease of setup? How does it compare to the Floyd Rose? Thanks, Keiishi

Never had any trouble with tuning stability on a Kahler, regarding string bends – leave the nut unlocked for a while after changing the strings, I find a new set will need to stretch out (especially if doing a lot of string bends) once they’ve fully stretched out and you’ve played them in a bit then lock the nut at the top and you won’t find so much movement on the tuning.  Set up is easy enough, Floyd Rose might give you better sustain but if you have a decent enough guitar sound that shouldn’t really be an issue anyway. Kahlers are probably more comfortable, I find with the floating bridge of the FR there’s a little bit too much movement as a result of the right hand resting on the bridge. I don’t favour a floating bridge hence why I use Kahler, that’s just my personal preference. Regards, Dave

Asked by Dave Sharman | 4406 days ago

Hi Dave
Any plans for a tour (north West UK) and have you toured before (Have I missed any) ?

Hi Alan, Thanks for your question, there are no plans at the moment but don’t rule anything out, I have toured the UK before but not the north west, however, will let you know if we’re up in your part of the world any time soon (would be great) just join our mailing list or Facebook Page and we’ll keep you posted! Regards, Dave